
Monday, July 21, 2014

Photo Shoot

This past weekend, my daughter and I did a photo shoot at our local park of both finished and unfinished quilts I have been working on.

quilt photo shoot
Photo Shoot at the Park

Let's start with the finished quilts:

orange peel, scrappy
Scrappy Orange Peel  60" x  84"

I've been working on this quilt for some time.  I quilted using a serpentine stitch on the diagonal.  After quilting it, it took me a while to decide on binding. I used leftover fabric that I had used on my Ladybug Pinwheel quilt.

scrappy, orange peel

scrappy, orange peel, curves

scrappy, orange peel

The Ladybug Pinwheel was made using leftover blocks from a quilt I made for a friend.  I quilted using loops (still practicing FMQ) and used binding to match the backing.  This quilt will be donated.

scrappy pinwheel, ladybugs
Ladybug Pinwheel  39" x 53

binding, scrappy
I love this backing!
Another quilt I am donating is this baby quilt.  In the first two pictures you can see it is not bound yet.  After a few days, binding made from the leftover blocks.  

34" x 39"

And now the unfinished:

I have two new quilt tops that are completed.  I started these back in March when Paula of The Sassy Quilter held her Triangle Quilt Challenge.  I hopped on board immediately but my train got stuck at the station.  I did love using the triangles.  I had no idea what I would make from them, of course, I started cutting without a plan, and cut two different sizes. 

Then I challenged myself to actually sew the pieces together.  I'm loving both tops and just bought the fabric for the backs.

One last thing - new tags!
sew in tags

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