
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Grow Your Blog Party

This year's goal is to be more consistent with posting - sharing my labors of love.  In light of that, I am linking up with 2 Bags Full, Grow Your Blog. I also plan on getting a bit more tech savvy - I want to add the official button but can't figure out how!   Give me a few days and it will appear.  It's here!

What will I be sharing?  My quilting adventures!

Someone's Happy 

I am a full-time teacher.  I have been sewing since I was about 7 - taught by my grandma.  I've made many things; clothing, totes, quilts, doll clothes, and more.  Currently, I spend my sewing time on quilts.  They take some time but the reward is immeasurable.  I also enjoy helping others learn to quilt.

Almost complete!

I love color, all kinds!  I rarely repeat a pattern I have made for someone.  Once I've made something, I'm onto a new design.  I like to design my own patterns (with pencil & paper) and have a pretty good grasp figuring out the math.  I'm sure all my math teachers are surprised by this!

I am participating in Stash Bee for the second time.  It's fun making new blocks that I normally wouldn't try.  Last year's group challenged me, especially with paper piecing!

And I'm never alone - Cola and Mini are my ever present assistants.

My Quilting Companions

Thanks for joining me on my adventure!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Someone's Happy

This quilt was months in the making.  Of course, if I would work on one project at a time, it might have been finished sooner. Read the original post here.
This quilt finished at 98" x 98".   I quilted it with two different threads, yellow and white.

I changed up the quilting for both effect, and my arms and back.  It was a lot of quilt to move around.

Here's a close up of the back.
I was able to get a binding to match the colors perfectly.  I love the stripes.

The happy recipient snuggling under the quilt.

I'll be linking up with Let's Bee Social, NTT, and Crazy Mom Quilts!