The latest blocks are for Gwendellyn at The Rainbow Revolts. She asked for the Scrappy Trip Along block. I looked at her samples and then back at my scrap stash. Hmmm. My stash is so varied; go for bold, subdued or a combination. I finally decided on keeping the two blocks similar within the same color palette. I loved making this block. Quick, easy and a perfect block to practice the scant 1/4" seam.
I finally made the time to finish piecing all the curves for my Orange Peel quilt. Lots and lots of pinning required. Lots of seam ripping, pressing and re-doing. Now that everything is a square, it will piece together quickly. I'm very excited!
Sadly, I have no other fabric cut for the long list ahead. I ambitiously planned to keep up with Molli Sparkles Broken Herringbone Quilt-A-Long, and yet, I have tons of fabric and not one piece cut. Like I said, I'm falling behind.
I'm itching to get creative so off to the cutting mat I go!
Thanks for stopping by!